[日期:2010-12-08]  来源:深圳特区报  作者:张舜 曹真   发表评论(0)打印







  Using design to build a sustainable future

  More than 40 international experts and local designers gathered at a UNESCO Creative Cities Network Conference workshop yesterday(Dec.7), discussing whether humans were on the right track in realzing urbanization and how city design could build a sustainable future.

  Wu Zhiqiang, chief planner of the 2010 Shanghai Expo and a Tongji University professor of architecture, said the case studies and experiments at the expo proved that design could create a better city.

  “During planning for the expo in 2004, many ideas were inconceivable for us, such as natural ventilation, solar electricity generation, multifunctional shading, optimization of daylight, Huangpu River water treatment and building nine more metro lines in just six years,” said Wu.

  He said public transport played a crucial role in the most crowded Chinese city‘s expo and a city’s future would rely heavily on public transport.

  Wu mentioned expo pavilions that had been transformed from old factories, saying that urbanization was not just about seeing the future or simply demolishing [buildings] but also about preserving history.

  “China‘s urbanization has a greater impact on energy consumption than a growing economy and China should never copy Western countries’ past experience in urbanization because developed countries top the world in equivalent carbon emssions per capita,” Wu said.



  (张舜 编译 齐洁爽 图)

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